International Business

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International Business


Associates: Dr.R.B.Rudani, Prof.Chetal Lakhlani, Prof Seema G. Hariramani, Prof. Nishant Thaker, Prof.Sheetal shah, Prof. Smit Shah.
Edition: THIRD (2017-18)
Pages: 153
ISBN No. : 

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International Business

Business activities have expanded across national boundaries. Standard products are manufactured at different locations and are marketed in the world markets. Every business has become global due to the impact of global environment on the local operations too. International business is a wide area. It covers a lot of aspects. This book discusses a few important areas of international business.


As per the Gujarat university course curriculum, the course ‘International business’, BBA Semester 5 paper has been divided into four units.

  • Unit 1 discusses several important issues relating to the framework.
  • Unit 2 covers basic tools for international business
  • Unit 3 describes aspects of strategies and structure.
  • Unit 4 elaborates export-import procedure.

Book by B.S.Prakashan contains practical aspects which have been accumulated from international reports, internet and other mass media to make the topic more practice-oriented.


We have tried to discuss the said topics in a simple language, rich contented point to point presentation. Review exercises at the end of each chapter.We hope this would help the students in their preparations for examinations.

Suggestions and feedback from the teaching fraternity and the students are earnestly solicited and will be highly appreciated to improve further the quality of this book.