Elements Of Clinical Pharmacy

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Elements Of Clinical Pharmacy


Editor : Dr. Ramesh K. Goyal, Dr. Parloop A. Bhatt, Dr. Mahesh Burande
Edition : Seventh
Pages : 459
ISBN No. : 81-8416-040-2

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Clinical Pharmacy

The subject of clinical pharmacy is like “Jack of All”. It requires knowledge on a member of topics on which a separate book can be written for example pharmacoeconomics, adverse drug reactions, drug interactions, therapeutic drug monitoring, clinical pharmacokinetics, laboratory diagnostic tests etc. Hence, we have given a brief account on these topics as one unit each comprehensively to give the basic concepts of clinical pharmacy in Section I. Second section of the book focuses practice of principles of clinical and specific diseases. We have described diseases in brief in such a manner that as a student pharmacist one can utilize his knowledge and skills in disease management, patient care and word rounds.

According to All India Council for Technical Education (AICTE)

Clinical Pharmacy