General English

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General English


Associates: Prof. P. M. Mehta, Prof. Shubha Nigam, Prof. Brijesh J. Bhatt
Edition: Seventh Edition
Pages: 170
ISBN No. : 81-8416-099-2

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General English

Communication is an important aspect of becoming a successful manager. Knowledge of General English is the starting point of developing fine communication skills.


To fully grasp the English language, the book ‘General English’, is focused on developing integral communication skills, such as:

  1. Reading Skills
  2. Writing Skills
  3. Speaking Skills


We have tried to discuss the said topics in a simple language. Review exercises at the end of each chapter and multiple-choice questions along with answers.We hope this would help the students in their preparations for examinations.

Suggestions and feedback from the teaching fraternity and the students are earnestly solicited and will be highly appreciated to improve further the quality of this book.