Industrial Laws

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Industrial Laws


Associates : Prof.T.J.Rana, Prin P.R.Desai, Prof.D.R.Patel
Edition : THIRD (2018-19)
Pages : 241
ISBN No. : 

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Industrial Laws

To create awareness amongst students for Industrial Laws which helps in the creation and maintaining transparent business policies in dealing with labourers. Harmonious relationship with management and labour and employer is necessary to maintain steady growth of the nation.


To gain knowledge of various laws and also understand the application of industrial laws to practical situations.

The book consists topics like:

  • Industrial dispute act
  • Factories act
  • ESIC act
  • Workmen’s compensation act
  • P.F and miscellaneous act
  • Payment and wages act,1936


We have tried to discuss the said topics in a simple language. Review exercises at the end of each.We hope this would help the students in their preparations for examinations.

Suggestions and feedback from the teaching fraternity and the students are earnestly solicited and will be highly appreciated to improve further the quality of this book.