Introduction to Marketing Management

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Introduction to Marketing Management


Associates : Prin.T.J.Rana
Edition : THIRD(2016-17)
Pages : 120
ISBN No. : 

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Introduction To Marketing Management

The field of management has undergone a sea change and has today assumed a form of a profession with a well-defined body of knowledge.This knowledge is continuously evolving and newer trends are constantly emerging. Now it has become utmost necessary for everyone to have knowledge of marketing management.


This subject gives the basic understanding of the subject marketing management to the students. What marketing is? How has it evolved during the time? What can be marketed and How it can be marketed?


We have tried to discuss the said topics in a simple language. Review exercises at the end of each chapter.We hope this would help the students in their preparations for examinations.

Suggestions and feedback from the teaching fraternity and the students are earnestly solicited and will be highly appreciated to improve further the quality of this book.