Production & Operations Management

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Production & Operations Management


Associates : Prof.D.R.Patel
Edition : SECOND (2017-18)
Pages : 112
ISBN No. :

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Production & Operations Management

The authors and publishers are grateful to students and teachers for their overwhelming response to the previous edition. The book production & operations management is presented in a simple lucid language with Indianised references.



The main components of the book production & operations management which are written according to the syllabus of Gujarat board includes:

  • Introduction to production management
  • The concept of purchasing, materials handling, MRP I, MRP II and ERP
  • The concept of Quality Management
  • Contemporary Loss


We have tried to discuss the said topics in a simple language. Review exercises at the end of each chapter and multiple-choice questions along with answers.We hope this would help the students in their preparations for examinations.

Suggestions and feedback from the teaching fraternity and the students are earnestly solicited and will be highly appreciated to improve further the quality of this book.